Usually, outdoor weddings take place in the warmer months of the year. To help you plan for the worst, you may wonder how to mitigate the risk of having sweaty and uncomfortable guests. So we’re going to walk you through a few solutions to cool down your outdoor wedding.

Portable Air Conditioning

Tent Air Conditioner

When your outdoor wedding is in an enclosed space like a tent, barn, or non-air conditioned building, portable air conditioning could be a solution to cool down your guests. 

Indoor Air Circulation

If your budget doesn’t have room for renting air conditioners, or your space isn’t totally enclosed, you may have to consider just renting air movers. 

Outdoor Cooling Stations

So what if renting portable air conditioners are out of your price range, or you don’t have an enclosed space to cool? Then you might be a great candidate for an outdoor cooling station. You can easily create an outdoor cooling station with a few pieces of equipment.

Provide Cool Treats

Everyone always thinks that a cake is the go-to dessert for a wedding, but you can instead choose cool treats for desert. 

Don’t let a sloppy hot day ruin your wedding. There are things you can do ranging from air conditioning rentals, outdoor cooling stations, or cool treats for your friends and family.