Brides found to try four different dresses before deciding which one they will

From compiling guest lists and choosing a venue to exploring food, brides and grooms will reduce their work when planning their important days.

A survey of 2,000 British married couples found that seating arrangements, photography and wedding venue decoration were key stressors, with 52% claiming that the process was “very stressful”.

The survey found that the bride would try four different wedding dresses on average.

Eighty-three percent of the respondents said they were heavily involved in their wedding plans, while the remaining 17% were willing to retreat to the second line and let others do the job.

While partners play an important role in planning, another key role is attributed to the bride and groom’s mother.

Although the bride may be concerned about the effects of dressing, outdoor wedding tent selection, seating arrangements and wedding tent decoration, the groom was found to be able to solve outdoor wedding venues, dining and honeymoon booking issues.


“However, in ample time to solve some major choices, such as finding the perfect venue, clothing and catering service providers, can take care of the pressure of planning the wedding.”

Polls found that only 9% of respondents were attacked by wedding planners, and one-sixth of respondents began planning important days within a week of the proposal.

A total of 86% believe that their wedding day is on schedule. However, they did admit that another five months to imagine some finer details would not go wrong.

On the other hand, some people are dissatisfied with three out of ten people who say that if they have the opportunity to hold a wedding again, they will hold the wedding in different ways.

The teacher at Hingham, Mass., presented the students with a surprise in the case of Love Actually at his outdoor tent wedding.

 Ms. Hill said: “Wedding is a good time for a party. As long as family and friends insist on participating in every plan and detail, they will have an outdoor wedding.”