The tent installation is so simple!

The day of hands-on tents

Yesterday, our group went to the factory and participated in the process of setting up a tent and installing a tarpaulin.

We have a new CNC machine in our tent factory, called it “big white”, long like this:


For the first time we set up, the master told us some precautions and taught us how to build.

The installation of the tent is not as difficult as imagined, and the aluminum frame can be spliced and combined.

It’s time for us to work together!


After finishing the frame, the next step is to install the tarpaulin. This process is fun!

We put a tarpaulin from one side and then pulled the other side through the track. We are working hard!


The top tarpaulin is installed, and then a wall cloth is installed, which has an open window!

By the way, I visited the newly installed double glass tent office. large and luxurious!
